You're LUCKY!
Many a times we feel our life is in pieces and nothing seems even next to normal, let alone perfect. Mostly, all that is wrong, is because of inconsistency. IT IS SOOOOO DIFFICULT TO BE CONSISTENT. Time and again I've started things but have failed to continue to do it on a daily basis. It is not for no reason, Consistency is called as the KEY to your Dreams, Success, Happiness, and everything else. And for God's sake do something other than your daily work. SATISFY YOURSELF. Go help some needy, Cause I can say this 100% confidence that if you're reading this, you're Lucky than most of the people in the world. Just to paint a picture of how worse life can be and how mean the world can be- Someone (there are thousands of such persons) is visually challenged (our eyes are the most important sense organs out of the five), someone is unable to walk properly (just imagine yourself to walk your entire life limping), or to say anything you need to use si...