Introduction to Yoga Lifestyle
What Is Yoga Lifestyle?
Originated in India more than 4000 years ago, the Sanskrit word Yoga means "to join or union". The practice of Yoga brings this union to all levels of one's self. Therefore, Yoga is the union of individual consciousness with the supreme consciousness. Intense practice of these leads to self-realization, which is the primary goal of yoga.

Yoga is a holistic art of living leading to a state of complete physical, mental, moral and spiritual harmony with nature. It is a philosophy of living which aims to improve the body, mind and day to day life of individuals.
Yoga As Defined by Scholars
👉As Swami Vivekananda puts it "It is a means of compressing one's evolution into a single life or
a few months or even a few hours of one’s bodily existence".
👉According to Patañjali, Yoga is "a conscious process of gaining mastery over the mind".
👉Sri Aurobindo emphasizes on all-round personality development at the physical, mental,
intellectual, emotional and spiritual levels. He means, by Yoga a methodical effort towards self
perfection by the development of the potentialities latent in the individual is possible. It is a
process by which the limitations and imperfections can be washed away resulting in a super
human race.
👉The Kathopanishad describes Yoga thus : 'When the senses are stilled, when the mind is at rest,
when the intellect wavers not-then, say the wise, is reached the highest stage. This steady control
of the senses and mind has been defined as Yoga. He who attains it is free from delusion.'
👉The Kathopanishad describes Yoga thus : 'When the senses are stilled, when the mind is at rest,
when the intellect wavers not-then, say the wise, is reached the highest stage. This steady control
of the senses and mind has been defined as Yoga. He who attains it is free from delusion.'
👉Lastly, in the sixth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, which is the most important authority on Yoga
philosophy, Sri Krishna explains to Arjuna the meaning of Yoga as a deliverance from contact
with pain and sorrow. It is said : 'When his mind, intellect and self (aharilkara) are under control,
freed from restless desire, so that they rest in the spirit within, a man becomes a Yukta-one in
communion with God. A lamp does not flicker in a place where no winds blow; so it is with a
yogi, who controls his mind, intellect and self, being absorbed in the spirit within him. When the
restlessness of the mind, intellect and self is stilled through the practice of Yoga, the yogi by the grace of the Spirit within himself finds fulfilment. Then he knows the joy eternal which is beyond
the pale of the senses which his reason cannot grasp. He abides in this reality and moves not
therefrom. He has found the treasure above all others. There is nothing higher than this. He who has achieved it, shall not be moved by the greatest sorrow. This is the real meaning of Yoga-a
deliverance from contact with pain and sorrow.'
Patanjali Muni, the founder of Yoga described eight limbs of Yoga as a practical way to evolve
the mind, body and spirit to achieve balance and harmony.
The eight limbs of Yoga are – Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahar, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. The purpose of these eight limbs is discriminative enlightenment or self realization. The short meaning of the eight limbs of yoga are as follows:
- Yama: Codes of restraint, abstinences, self-regulations
- Niyama: Observances, practices, self-training
- Asana: Meditation posture
- Pranayama: Expansion of breath and prana, regulation, control
- Pratyahara: Withdrawal of the senses, bringing inward
- Dharana: Concentration
- Dhyana: Meditation
- Samadhi: Deep absorption, meditation in its higher state, the state of perfected concentration
For a general and simple understanding of Yoga, click here.
It's a good one, keep blogging.
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