Live a Healthy Lifestyle!
HEALTHY LIVING- what is the first thing that pops up in your head? Eating healthy or having a balanced diet or going to bed early and waking up early? But what if I told you, there is more than this.
It is also about-
1) How you're living;
2) What environment you live in;
3) How you choose to feel every single day;
4) How well do you use your time;
5) Following a routine and self-abiding principles.
2) What environment you live in;
3) How you choose to feel every single day;
4) How well do you use your time;
5) Following a routine and self-abiding principles.
Yes, the last few points are also what determines a healthy lifestyle. Now, I know I may not have quiet convinced you, so let's dive deep into each of them individually.
Firstly, how you're living. From your mundane routine to the daily chores that you do, not only that but also how well you do them, what language you use, how you dress, what kind of vibes do you give out to people. Re-read this paragraph.
Another very important aspect is what type of environment you live in. And by this what I mean is what type of people you hangout with, how well maintained you keep your belongings, are your clothes stinking, does your breath stink (now I know this isn't any hygiene post, but these things determine your environment and trust me you don't want your environment to be dirty).
Secondly, what is the kind of feeling that you choose to feel every single day. As they say, everyday is a new start. Guys here me out very clearly, YOU CAN CHOOSE TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF.

And it all starts right from the morning, whether or not you're pious, just remember God the very moment you wake up, I'm talking the very second that you gain consciousness, simultaneously take a deep breath and smile. This is actually how I start my day, everyday. I'm not kidding here- that smile activates your facial muscles and also the very first thing that you do after waking up (well, after remembering God). What better way to start a day with!
How well do you use your time is also crucial. I want you to, from now on-wards, learn just one new thing everyday. It can be anything- a new English word, any scientific fact or even psychological facts. Guys, use your time wisely. Accumulate knowledge in your free time. It will surely pay later.

Like I described earlier, how I start my morning, even you should have some routine. And not just morning routine but overall weekly routine and weekend routines. Like, take up any hobby that you like for an hour on weekends or watch a documentary on cosmos on YouTube (that is what I've been watching) or any other informational video or a Ted-Talk or even any movies for that matter. Gradually make few principles that you need Strictly Follow. Try it!

Like I described earlier, how I start my morning, even you should have some routine. And not just morning routine but overall weekly routine and weekend routines. Like, take up any hobby that you like for an hour on weekends or watch a documentary on cosmos on YouTube (that is what I've been watching) or any other informational video or a Ted-Talk or even any movies for that matter. Gradually make few principles that you need Strictly Follow. Try it!

Quick advice- Before you get all motivated to inculcate all of the above things in your daily life all at once, and then fail at being consistent, I suggest, you first think in your head of all the reasons that you want to include them (and in exchange of what all things that exist at present). This will help you stick to them for a longer period and as it is a well settled principle, if you have a reason for doing something, you tend do it in a much better way.
I hope that makes sense!
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