NOTHING Is Permanent, Now is the Time!

I know you all might have heard this phrase a lot of times but hey! I don't know how else can I emphasise more on this sentence.

The reason that I'm writing this post is because a lot of times we hold on to one or two bad (or worst) things that's ever happened to us and instead of fighting that you sit idle. This is the time that you need to pick yourself up and Start Fresh. 
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As they say never let your emotions take the better of you, I'm here to tell you that it is not 100% true (by the way I feel none of those cute little Instagram quotes are entirely true). You just cannot let yourself master your emotions. Letting them out sometimes is the most crucial and point in perhaps the only thing that you need at that point in time. Feeling numb to all emotions is, according to me, the most pathetic feeling in this world. Cause there is no colour in your life.

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And believe me that is way better than having no colour at all, cause then you don't know only what to do or how to feel about anything that is going around you, irrespective of whether it is good or bad. Don't sit and whine. Nothing is permanent.

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So let your emotions out, it is not going to last forever and look ahead and start again. TAKE ACTION.

MAKE THIS A REASON TO START DOING ALL THE THINGS THAT YOU WANT TO DO AND have kept delaying, because Now is the time. And I can say this for sure that it will motivate you to do that thing because even if it fails, it is just going to pass with time and you start again.

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SO take action! You want to build muscle- you have to EAT and exercise to grow and get lean muscle mass, do it cause NOTHING IS PERMANENT and Now is the time!

Time will fly...


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