
Showing posts from 2019

NOTHING Is Permanent, Now is the Time!

I know you all might have heard this phrase a lot of times but hey! I don't know how else can I emphasise more on this sentence. The reason that I'm writing this post is because a lot of times we hold on to one or two bad (or worst) things that's ever happened to us and instead of fighting that you sit idle. This is the time that you need to pick yourself up and Start Fresh.                                                                                                                                                             As they say never let your emotions take the better of you, I'm...

Live a Healthy Lifestyle!

HEALTHY LIVING- what is the first thing that pops up in your head? Eating healthy or having a balanced diet or going to bed early and waking up early? But what if I told you, there is more than this.                                                                  It is also about- 1) How you're living; 2) What environment you live in; 3) How you choose to feel every single day; 4) How well do you use your time; 5) Following a routine and self-abiding principles. Yes, the last few points are also what determines a healthy lifestyle. N ow, I know I may not have quiet convinced you, so let's dive deep into each of them individually. Firstly,  how you're living . From your mundane routine to the  daily chores that you do, not only that but also how well you do them, what language you use, how you...

It's all about Committing To It And Taking One Step At A Time

My blog is all about yoga, healthy lifestyle and being fit. So all of these have one thing in common- they're all not easy to achieve . In my  previous post I talked about something similar to what I am going to talk  about in this post. Taking that further, I want to tell you all that it all starts with a mindset and putting in your heart and soul into it. And by mindset, I mean how willing you are and how bad do you want it.     No matter what people say, what you feel about it later on, once you've started (cause that feeling will always tell you to stop doing it, that it's not worth the price). Basically it's the other voice inside of you that is pulling you down. And you by listening to it let it prevail over your other voice (which is suppressed by that bad voice). Believe me, suppressing the bad voice takes a lot of energy and strong will.                              ...

Components of Yoga lifestyle

What forms yoga lifestyle In my  prev i ous post  on what is yoga lifestyle, I have discussed briefly as to what those eight elements are. In this post I shall share with you what I understand living a yoga lifestyle means. I believe living a yoga lifestyle means taking care of your mind and body; being conscious about the needs and necessities of your soul. not get distracted from your goals and from the path thereto. You've got to be attentive! Creating some rules and of course FOLLOWING THEM! Disciplining yourself to committing to them- this will take time BUT DO NOT GIVE UP ; getting deep inside yourself and believe me when I say this- once you reach that level by gradually doing it everyday, it will be a wonderful experience. And you will get addicted to it. These set of rules do not necessarily have to be like waking up early everyday or following a strict diet and stuff (I'm not saying that you get up late either!!😅😎)       ...

Introduction to Yoga Lifestyle

What Is Yoga Lifestyle? Originated in India more than 4000 years ago, the Sanskrit word Yoga means "to join or union".  The practice of   Yoga   brings this union to all levels of one's self. Therefore,  Yoga  is the union of individual consciousness with the supreme consciousness.   Intense practice of these leads to self-realization , which is the primary goal of yoga.                                 Yoga   is a holistic art of living leading to a state of complete physical, mental, moral and spiritual harmony with nature.  It is a philosophy of living which aims to improve the body, mind and day to day life of individuals. Yoga As Defined by Scholars 👉 As Swami Vivekananda puts it "It is a means of compressing one's evolution into a single life or       a few months or even a few hours of one’s bodily existence". ...